Laci Lowry, Elementary Principal

Bernadette Doty - Elementary Secretary

Learn… Live… Hope…
Striving for Success!
On behalf of the staff at Coolidge Elementary School, I am happy to welcome you to the 2024– 2025 school year. We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our students can achieve their highest potential! With so many challenges and changes in our world today, our job remains the same, to educate and grow students academically, socially, and personally. I am excited about all that this new school year has to offer and look forward to working collectively as a family to ensure that our students are provided with the best educational experience possible to be critical thinkers, responsible citizens, and prepared to be successful in all their endeavors. Our mission and vision remains …
Embrace Opportunities…Unlock Potential… Set High Expectations… Inspire Excellence.
We will continue to encourage, build, and facilitate a learning environment that is safe and provides a quality education for ALL students. Our teachers utilize research-based best practices and analyze academic data to determine students’ skill level and set goals for growth and improvement. This year we will renew our commitment to excellence in all that we do, with the expectation that all students can learn and succeed. We will continue to provide students with opportunities to address academic deficiencies, to build numeracy and literacy skills, and a passion for learning. We will continue to implement initiatives to promote teaching and learning, and to engage all our stakeholders in the process of educating our students. Thank you for your continued positive support as we strive to do what is best for ALL of our students.
We hope that you will find our website helpful and informative. Our calendars are posted for you to see upcoming events. It is truly a privilege to be a part of a community where parents, teachers and students care for each other and strive to build positive relationships that support academic and social growth. Here’s to another great year at Coolidge Elementary!
Laci Lowry
Coolidge Elementary Principal